Real Madrid: Nacho, Luis Enrique, the tortilla and the onion

Nacho it was not in the Euro. There were those who wanted to make a crusade of his absence. He doesn’t. Because a complaint from the central Madrid is not remembered. Never. If Nacho was not among the three centrals chosen by Luis Enrique It was only due to a matter of taste of the selector, no conspiracies in dark offices or colors of shirts. It is much simpler: the selector looks at his cent

some things he doesn’t see in Nacho. As simple as that, like the one who chooses the omelette with or without onion. There is no more case. Nacho was the central of

Luis Enrique

in three of his first four games, all officials. The defeat against England (2-3 at Villamarn) changed the pace of Luis Enrique, who detected game situations in which what Nacho gave him did not match what he was looking for. They will never hear the coach speak ill of Nacho or put defects on him. You can say that if Luis Enrique does not like Nacho, you do not like

Luis Enrique

. But that’s what it’s about: a coach who chooses the best for the way of playing that creates the ideal for Spain. Nothing else. Don’t look at the shirt. Not the DNI. No. Because Nacho if he played in the


, Atltico de Madrid, Manchester City or Leeds would not have been in the Euro either. Even though I was 25 years old. It is a sporting decision, a game structure for a team. Del Bosque or


they had


, despite the fact that he was not a starter in Madrid, because they found in him a lot of answers to what they wanted for the selection. Luis Enrique does not see them. Or understand that there are several centrals that are much better suited to your idea. Because Nacho was never in the plans for the Euro. Yes

Diego Llorente placeholder image

would have been low due to the coronavirus, the answer was Albiol. Like Del Bosque and Lopetegui, the decision of

Luis Enrique

It is exposed to debate, to criticism. But it’s your job: choose what you like best. Like someone who comes to the bar and asks for a tortilla skewer with or without onion. Matter of taste.

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