Rahm and Sergio García walk hand in hand in the BMW

Jon Rahm and Sergio Garcia. Sergio García and Jon Rahm. The wet dream of the Spanish golf fan, to see the last two national popes of this sport, a major per head, fighting together to win a tournament, gradually becomes meat at the Caves Valley Golf Course in Maryland (USA). ). The Biscayan and the Castellonense continued yesterday on the right path in the third round of the BMW Championship, which had to be spliced ​​with some pending holes of the second, suspended on Friday due to bad weather.

A decent -2 to -16 signed Rahmbo; until -5 to -17 Garcia left. The first, more in roller coaster mode, with three birdies in the first four before a bogey at 6, another three birdies from 7 to 12 and bogeys in a row at 13, 14 and 18. This time it was more difficult to channel his emotions when he began to err and those failures they deprived themselves of a privileged position.

Sergio, on the other hand, was a greased diesel machine: four birdies for a bogey in the first half of the field and two birdies without failures in the second. Sober, showing confidence with his fardonas mirror glasses, he left some of his classic darts to the flag on a wonderful afternoon from tee to green.

Spanish society, in this state of shape, is a gold mine for the European Ryder team that will be closed shortly if García ends up getting a place (Padraig Harrington’s invitation to a man of his background in this competition seems certain), will face the final return to four and five strokes of the Americans Cantlay and DeChambeau. These, who are surely part of the opposite side in the biennial, march at -21.

DeChambeau, who on Friday touched a sub 60 round and reached 30 holes without bogeys with twenty under par between the first day and this Saturday, finally came down to the ground with two balls to the water on 12 and 13. Only a pitiful bogey from Cantlay in the last segment of the day allowed him to reach Sunday looking in the rearview mirror, with no rivals on his horizon.

Check here the complete classification of the tournament.


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