PSG: “Disneyland Paris”, the Spanish press still in a trance after the departure of Lionel Messi

Has the Spanish press already been right? The signing of Lionel Messi to PSG, after 21 years in Spain, had moved and especially disappointed the Catalan media in recent days. This Thursday again, the Argentine star shines on the front page of all sports media following his presentation at the Parc des Princes. This time, AS, Mundo Deportivo and the whole gang talk about the “happiness” of the new recruit of PSG.

The Catalan media take up all the few words of Lionel Messi at a press conference. “I am happy” Sport title, reputed to be close to FC Barcelona, ​​accompanied by a photo of the Argentinian star who poses with his number 30 jersey. Same observation on the side of Mundo Deportivo: “It was hard but now I’m happy” , who prefers an image of the former Barça player in front of the burning PSG supporters.

« Disneyland Paris »

“My happiness is enormous” insists the Madrid media AS. Marca prefers to talk about the entire workforce of PSG: “Messi is the icing on the cake of a scary PSG”, ironically about the five-star transfer window of the club in the capital: “Disneyland Paris”. All the Spanish newspapers mention Messi’s goal of winning the Champions League once again, “in the best possible place to do it”.

In Argentina, we prefer to evoke the madness that crosses the French capital. “All crazy for Messi” title Los Andes which explains that “Paris is a party” for the Argentine star. Clarin talks about the new hunt for the number 30 flocked jersey that is driving “crazy in Paris”. Same story for La Nacion: “Paris is shocked by the arrival of a crack”, with an arrival which establishes a “new order in world football”. We haven’t finished hearing about it.


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