Positano pays homage to the Olympic judo champion Maria Centracchio with a ceramic plate

Positano pays homage to the Olympic judo champion Maria Centracchio with a ceramic plate.

Maria Centracchio the Molise judo champion, bronze medalist at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games, on holiday in Positano, in the pearl of the Amalfi Coast, enjoying the well-deserved relaxation.

In fact, even a recent post published on Instagram by the champion reads “Here where the sea shines and the wind blows strong”, verses of the song Caruso by Lucio Dalla, perfect to represent the union between love and the magical beauty of Positano.

The pearl of the Amalfi Coast, moreover, to pay homage to the Italian champion, gives her a ceramic plate, hand-painted, typical of the Positano tradition and culture.

Maria Centracchio, in fact, made the whole of Italy rejoice, moved and was moved by giving us strong emotions and we hope she can enjoy these days of vacation in the magical Positano to the fullest.


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