Patricia Landry was able to reconnect with the National Baseball Team

Patricia Landry had a golden chance to reconnect with the National Women’s Baseball Team. The one who has been immersed in the world of baseball since her childhood was not going to miss such an opportunity.

It was a homecoming for the Stéphanoise, she who held the positions of head coach on Team Quebec from 2011 to 2014, and assistant on the National Team from 2011 to 2018.

“It was André Lachance, who has worked with the National Team since 2004, who gave me this chance in the past and it was he who contacted Vanessa Riopel, at Baseball Canada, to offer me this opportunity. I said yes right away and I was very happy. It gives me the chance to be able to rub shoulders with the 41 best players in Canada and to reconnect with some with whom I have already played, and others that I have already coached, ”she says.

“I always stayed in touch with the National Team even though I stopped being involved. I had a professional job that made me travel a lot so I made the decision to slow down. I was really looking forward to seeing how the Team has evolved over the past 15 years. There is a big difference between when I played it and today. “

Indeed, the best female athletes – aged 16 and 30 – from across Canada were meeting in Trois-Rivières for the National Team selections. This evaluation and selection camp was held at Baseball 360 Trois-Rivières while the matches were played at the Quillorama Stadium.

Long career

The one who works at Maison Carpe Diem in Trois-Rivières has herself had a brilliant career in baseball. She played her minor baseball with the Royals (of St-Étienne-des-Grès) before later playing in the Mauricie Rural Baseball League (LBRM). In 2004, she earned a spot on 2nd base and shortstop with Équipe Quebec before joining the National Team as an outfielder from 2005 to 2010.

“My love for baseball came from my dad. I was 4 years old and I was going to see him play ball. He started organizing mini-baseball for the 4-year-olds in St-Étienne-des-Grès, which is comparable to Rallye Cap today. I have always been fortunate to have good support in my baseball career and have met some great people. I had great opportunities which allowed me to travel to several countries and see different cultures, ”she says.

New project on the horizon?

Coach Landry was not far from his favorite sport, which is currently part of a high performance pilot project.

“I am involved in a pilot project with baseball Quebec. We are trying to set up a first baseball academy, a bit like we find in men’s baseball. If the project is adopted and works in the future, I get on board! », Adds the one who is also a consultant in mental preparation.

“I became a coach to give back to girls and because I knew how to see what they do and how they develop. I also coached for a long time in basketball, at the Séminaire Saint-Joseph (SSJ) and at the Collège Marie-de-l’Incarnation (CMI). My goal is always to develop girls to make them better players, but also better people, ”she concludes.


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