PalaConad and minor installations, Codes challenges the administration • First Page Trapani

«September is upon us and several minor sports clubs have to plan their activities as well as the eventual registration to federal amateur championships. For this reason – considering that in Trapani, despite the proclamations over the years, the historic municipal gyms continue to be closed and vandalized – some companies had sent an express request to the municipal administration to be able to use the only usable structure for a few hours a week, namely the Palaconad. But today everything is silent despite the start of training and the preparation of the Trapani Basketball ».

So there‘Avv. Vincenzo Maltese member of the National Assembly of Codes – Center for Citizen’s Rights and responsible for the territorial delegation of the same Association of consumers and users. But the lawyer goes further. «No announcement appears to have been issued (after it went deserted twice), and there is no news of any regulation for the use and assignment of the building. Yet the Mayor Tranchida should know that from February 28 this year the reform of the sector came into force (with Legislative Decree 38/21) which gives the community of amateur sports associations and clubs (Asd and Ssd) the opportunity to manage public buildings currently unused by redeveloping them.

However, no programmatic meeting was started in order to proceed with a management path. Yet still on the side of sports facilities, the law is clear: in cases where the public body does not intend to manage the facilities directly, it can decide to entrust them to amateur sports clubs or associations. For Trapani there are two paths that to date do not appear to have been taken by this administration ». The lawyer Vincenzo Maltese concludes with a request: “In the opinion of the undersigned, the sports policy carried out by this administration is completely unsuccessful, and considered that the management of public affairs must always tend towards impartiality, good performance and transparency, I ask (also on behalf of the local sports community) to know if and when the Mayor of Trapani intends to publicly communicate the criteria for awarding the Palaconad by means of conventions, regulations or calls, thus allowing all local sports organizations to participate “.


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