Olvera is one step away from the medals – El Sol de San Luis

Rodrigo Olvera, from Potosí, stayed one step away from the medals in the Junior category of the Compound Bow modality within the Archery Championship that takes place in Poland, where he fell in the quarterfinals between Yadav Rishabh from India, in decisive arrow, while Marisol de León, was eliminated in her first game.

In the round of sixteenth, Olvera was measured against Russian Sergei Shenkhorov, a duel that was even between both goalkeepers, where one point was the difference for the Mexican to advance to the next phase after finishing 146 to 145.

Later, the potosino goalkeeper was eliminated before Christoffer Berg of Denmark to define who advanced to the quarterfinals; In this duel Olvera was superior to Berg surpassing him with a score of 147 to 142.

The best duel of the quarterfinals was starred by Olvera and Yadav, the duel was closed from beginning to end, culminating the rounds with a score of 143 to 143, and defining everything in a tiebreaker arrow, there they both achieved 10, but the native of India left his arrow closer to the center to eliminate the Mexican.

For her part, Marisol de León had a difficult first round when she faced Hallie Boulton of Great Britain who prevailed with a score of 145 to 141 over Potosina, in the Compound Bow category, Female Cadet category.

Now, for both Potosinos, there is only participation in the team modality in their respective categories, where Rodrigo Olvera wants to endorse his world title achieved in Madrid, Spain in 2019.

With information from Edgar Barajas



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