New chapter in the Thompson-Ymer controversy

The weather is still quite hot. Two days have passed after his elimination in the first round of the tournament of Washington but the australian Jordan Thompson (62°) it seems not to find calm. After losing at the hands of Elias Ymer (168 °) by 3-6, 7-5 and 6-3 with a rather rough end of the game due to a decision by the umpire that hurt him, the oceanic He manifested himself on social networks to add a new chapter to the controversy.

Far from wanting to calm the waters and lower the tone of what happened, the 27-year-old Sydney-born wrote in his personal account at Twitter: ” The lack of respect is amazing … for a player to do something like that is pathetic. Tennis is supposed to be a men’s sport and this couldn’t be further from that. ”

What happened in the game that unleashed the fury of the 62nd in the ranking? Third set. During the 5-3 (40-40) with one sleeve per side, the point began to be played and the Australian defined. The ball struck twice and when it should have been a point for the oceanic, Ymer continued the play, Thompson returned to the net and gave the play to the Swede.

In this way, the European got a match point that would end up giving the match to the next point. At the end of the actions, Ymer and Thompson crossed in a verbal duel that could have gone to more without the interruption of the umpire that separated them both. In addition, post elimination, the Australian refused to attend the press conference. Will there be a response from the Swedish tennis player?



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