NBA: Michael Jordan’s valuable advice to teenager LeBron James

EWe are talking about the two most important players in the NBA in the last 40 years, the players who have shaped the main modern history of the League. Michael Jordan and LeBron James they have been the great rulers of their respective eras, one in the 1980s and 1990s, the other from the new millennium.

In fact between the two they have won 10 championships and have starred in half of the Finals between 1990 and 2020 (6-10). The two have formed careers that place them at the top of the NBA pyramid and only the irruption of ‘The King’ competes with ‘His Airness’ as the best of all time. Nobody else.

But they did not coincide in time. LeBron grew up idolizing Jordan. In fact, he was born just a few months before the Bulls made his NBA debut.. By the time Akron’s six-year-old was, the New Yorker was winning his first championship.

And when Jordan I was already ready to leave the scene for good, LeBron He was a 17-year-old who was already making a lot of noise for his dominance in high school basketball, and he was aiming for the future star of the League.

But a few months before Jordan retired for the last time and LeBron declared himself eligible for the 2003 Draft, the two saw each other for the first time, representing a kind of delivery of the witness in a meeting that, according to those present, he was very friendly and cordial.

The two saw each other when Jordan visited Cleveland in 2003 to play for the Washington Wizards. The superstar arrived in his usual attire, an impeccable suit, while LeBron, who was waiting for him just before the visiting dressing room, wore … like a teenager. Despite not knowing each other before, They both acted like they knew each other well from before.

Jordan asked LeBron about his mother and later the two players started talking about basketball. MJ gave at that time some other advice to whom years later he would try to reach his throne. Above all, one of them transcended: “A dribble, you stop and shoot. That’s the move I want to see you make“Jordan said. LeBron smiled and replied,”this is my boy“.

In the following years the two have seen each other on numerous occasions and surely they spoke of that first meeting. Now, the two fight since their careers to be the best of all time in a debate that has been installed in the NBA with force for years.



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