Miguel Alarcón, represents Chihuahua in National Basketball Games – El Sol de Parral

The Parralense and player of the Mineros de Parral AC team, is present with the Chihuahua selective in the 2003-2004 category, within the activity of the 2021 National Basketball Games, which are being held in Oaxtepec, state of Mexico.

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The basketball lover is a student of Juvencio Torres and Arturo Urquiza, who earned his place in the representative of the large state, after having completed a concentration of more than two months, together with other young people who make up the Chihuahuan team.

It should be noted that with this the player of the Mineros de Parral AC team, becomes one of the few players from Parral that represents the large state within this fair named CONADE national games, previously the national children’s and youth Olympiad.

It is worth mentioning that Alarcón Flores has been an outstanding player in the children’s and youth categories, always showing his good level occupying positions 4 and 5, always playing with Mineros de Parral. AC, where, due to its performance, is now part of the Chihuahua selective in the 2003-2004 category, a group that is participating in this important fair at the national level, and where it has the opportunity to be seen and in the near future have the opportunity to be able to be called to a national team and be able to represent Mexico in an international tournament.

Miguel Ángel Alarcón Flores, after his participation in this sporting event, at the end of this event, will be preparing in his academic stage, since he has received offers from several universities in the country, to prepare in his studies hand in hand with the practice of basketball.


NAME: Miguel Ángel Alarcón Flores

AGE: 18 Years

HEIGHT: 1.90 Mts

WEIGHT: 93 Kilos

SCHOOLING: Baccalaureate

SCHOOL: Cobach # 12


TEAM: Mineros de Parral AC

COACHES: Juvencio Torres and Arturo Urquiza



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