Landerneau Bretagne Basket. Wani Muganguzi: “The recovery is going well” – Landerneau Bretagne Basket

Friendly. Roche Vendée – Landerneau BB, this Friday (7 p.m.)

Spent this summer from the status of assistant to that of “Head coach” at Landerneau, Wani Muganguzi is pleased with the state of mind of his players, but will not be able to count on the entire workforce to face Roche Vendée, this Friday, in friendly.

How did the recovery go?

All right, apart from Kalu who is selected for the African Cup of Nations. Everyone is present but some players (Mané, Macquet in particular) have been called upon in selections and must be spared this week, so as not to risk injury. We will therefore go to Vendée with five pros and three young people from the training center.

How is the news integration going?

When I discuss with the recruits before signing, I explain the human and geographic context of Landerneau to them. The notions of pride of the territory and of family values ​​are put forward.

What do you think of the evolution of the Women’s League?

After the WNBA, it is the densest championship in the world. The clubs are strengthening and even if three or four clubs are favorites for the title, behind, it will be very tight. There are no longer any “little clubs”. It will really be a very interesting championship.

Landerneau BB staff: Mosengo Masa – Hattab – Muldrow – Bremont – Limouzin – Macé – Landuré – Diaby. Coach: Wani Muganguzi.


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