La Behobia-San Sebastián has one more year with solidarity numbers to help thirteen associations

A popular runner, with the Behobia-San Sebastián shirt, for La Concha. / Pedro Martinez


those responsible for the race reiterate their intention to do “everything in their power” to carry out the 56th edition

The Behobia-San Sebastián 2021 has once again the so-called ‘Solidarity Dorsal’ with which you can choose between thirteen associations and causes to which to allocate support. The period to acquire them will be active until September 20 or until numbers are exhausted.

The entities to which the help of the Solidarity Dorsal can be directed are: Ethiopia Utopia Foundation, Vicente Ferrer Foundation, Dravet Syndrome Foundation, NGO Amigos Solidarios, ATECE-Association of acquired brain damage or GENE-Guipuzcoan Association of neuromuscular sick people.

You can also help: ARNASA-Guipuzcoana Cystic Fibrosis Association, Why Not Foundation, Red Cross, ADELA EH Association, members of the Gipuzkoa Solidarioa network, and the MAGA and Ilundai Haritz Berri Foundations, and UNHCR.

Thanks to this initiative, the chosen social project can be helped, starting from the price of the number plus 7 euros of donation. The organization will donate 1 euro for each number to the charity project.

Finally, those responsible for the Behobia-San Sebastián have reiterated their intention to do “everything in their power” to carry out the 56th edition of the race. If the test can be held on November 14, it will be done in its usual way, “without relevant restrictions or special rules.”

If it could not be held “under practically normal conditions”, it would be moved to February 2022 (date to be specified), and the next edition will take place on November 13, 2022.



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