“King Kurt” of Saxony: CDU politician Biedenkopf died at the age of 91 – politics

The former Saxon Prime Minister Kurt Biedenkopf is dead. He fell asleep peacefully with his family on Thursday evening at the age of 91, the State Chancellery in Dresden announced on Friday on behalf of the family. The CDU politician made a career in both parts of Germany and led Saxony as head of government from 1990 to 2002.

Biedenkopf was born on January 28, 1930 in Ludwigshafen. In 1973 the law professor became general secretary of the CDU at the suggestion of the party leader at the time, Helmut Kohl. He later became Kohl’s rival.

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In the 1980s he only made a name for himself with the CDU North Rhine-Westphalia, at the end of the decade Biedenkopf’s political career was basically over. But the turning point in the GDR gave him the chance for a comeback.


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