Jordi Alba, the second Barça captain to reformulate the contract

BarcelonaMore than possible last-minute additions, the week before the market closes is focused, in key Barça, on the departures and salary reformulations that the club needs to adjust to the financial limits imposed by the League. As for the second aspect, and after a few days of contacts, the agreement between the football management and Jordi Alba to adapt the current contract to the economic reality has transpired this Monday. The pact is not yet signed, but it is closed, and provides for a formula similar to that agreed with Gerard Piqué, the first captain of the squad who accepted a change of conditions. “Basically what we do is give facilities,” sources in the negotiation told ARA.

As the players’ representatives are in constant contact with each other and in the negotiations with Barça, de facto, is collective, Alba welcomes the revision of concepts that Piqué agreed and that will also serve in the case of Sergio Busquets. All three will give up easy compliance bonuses (like going to the Champions League) and compensate them by making the variables linked to playing certain matches less demanding. Some amounts also differ, which they did months ago after a long negotiation with the management committee to prevent the club from having to go into bankruptcy. Some reports point to a 25% pay cut, but the ARA can ensure that this percentage is offset by the modification of some clauses associated with individual performance.

In any case, Jordi Alba’s gesture comes a week after the footballer raised his voice after the first league match, when he felt pointed out by the fans as opposed to Piqué, who agreed on the salary reformulation in time to register. Memphis and Eric Garcia. The 32-year-old from Hospitalet and an undisputed starter on the left side showed his disillusionment with the “lies” he has heard this summer in relation to his situation. In fact, of the four captains, he is the only one who saw his name on the covers to leave Barça, when he did not want to move. It sounded like leaving for Inter Milan, but he will eventually stay at the club of his life, with whom he has a contract until June 30, 2024.

The nuance of Sergi Roberto

After Alba, the entity chaired by Joan Laporta intends to announce the agreement with Sergio Busquets, who is the highest-paid captain. Between Tuesday and Wednesday of this week there must be a key meeting with the advisor of the player of Badia, who is also the one who brings matters to Sergi Roberto, to advance the issue. Busquets, with a contract until 2023, will follow a logic similar to those of Piqué and Alba. Roberto, on the other hand, has to negotiate an extension because his contract expires in 2022. Barça are proposing two more years of commitment with a 40% reduction in their salaries, but Reus have not yet seen it clearly. Either way, the captains are opening fire on a reformulation process that will also affect other big salaries in the squad, such as those of Griezmann and Coutinho, who are currently the highest.



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