Jimmy Butler feels “at home” at the Heat | NBA

Criticized by some, especially during his visit to Minnesota. Jimmy Butler is unanimous at the Heat. Leader of the team since his arrival in 2019, the former protégé of Tom Thibodeau has found in Miami a franchise that resembles him.

Needy, collective, tough and exclusively focused on victory, Butler does not hesitate to rush headlong when given complete confidence.

This was particularly the case during this first evening of “free agency” 2019 told by his agent Bernie Lee. “I always tell him he’s got the worst poker face on earth, which is both good and bad. ” the agent said. “But I think back to our first interview with the Heat. We were 8 minutes away from our meeting and I was talking to Andy (Elisburg) or Erik (Spoelstra) and he (Butler) was chatting with Pat (Riley). Pat was talking when Jimmy said, “No it’s okay, I’m coming.” “

“He keeps repeating that they allow him to be at home”

An unwavering confidence in the Heat’s project which pleasantly surprised Lee. “I looked at him and said, ‘We didn’t even talk about a contract. You just accepted a proposal that we haven’t even received yet, so thank you for that. “

And two years later, nothing has changed with a Butler devoted entirely to the “South Beach” team. “Once the free agency opened, it was clear that Jimmy wanted to be in Miami and that he wanted to end his career there. He wants to settle there permanently and be successful. ” comments the representative of Butler. “He said it several times and I didn’t understand at first how sincere it was. He keeps repeating that they make him feel at home. “

Title or nothing?

And despite a sweep conceded against the future champions in the first round, the franchise did not hesitate to align $ 148 million over 4 years with a last year at 52.4 million when Butler will be 36 years old. “Whether it’s the Arisons (Micky Arison is the franchise owner and his son Nick is the GM), Pat, Spo (Spoelstra), Andy, they all bet on him. “ Lee reminds the Miami Herald.

And Riley has done it big to provide him with a quality squad. Duncan Robinson has signed a long-term extension while PJ Tucker, Markieff Morris and especially Kyle Lowry have joined the Florida ranks. “Everyone told him ‘We believe in you. Here’s everything you need so now go for it. “

By that mean “go get the title”. A goal that Jimmy Butler aims neither more nor less. ” Nothing else matters. When Jimmy receives an honor, you can’t call him to tell him he got it. When I called him to tell him he was on an All-NBA Team, I had time to say the word “All” to him before he hung up on me. He does not care. “

And Jimmy’s gang will obviously be one to watch this year.

Jimmy ButlerPercentageRebounds
2018-19 *All Teams653446.234.785.
2018-19 *PHL553346.133.886.
2018-19 *MIN103647.137.878.


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