Interview with Valentín Feuillade • Diario Democracia

Juninense cyclist is still preparing to play the next Argentina League and one of the goals he had last year was to promote young players from the quarry. One of those products was Valentine Feuillade, who confirmed to Democracy that he will stay one more year at the Verdirroja institution.


“Continuity in Ciclista grabs me at a good moment, I’m super happy to stay in the team and really want to start. I’m comfortable, I know the club, some of my teammates who are still in the team and I know it will be a great year ”.
“The truth is that I’m fine, I try to never stay still, I’m putting the gym in it and training with the inferiors of the club that we will soon play the final that had been suspended. We are at full capacity ”.

Last season

“Personally, it was positive, I was able to gain a little more experience entering matches from time to time, not to mention the friction in training. That also helped me a lot. The team played very well at times and we were satisfied with what was done ”.


“My main objective is to transmit security to the coaching staff to gradually get into the team’s rotation, to be able to play and gain experience.”

The campus

“I have been liking the team. It is a young squad and I hope we know how to take advantage of it, to be an annoying quintet, that has a rhythm. Those who renewed are tremendous players and people, hopefully those who arrive can adapt as quickly as possible, “he concluded.


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