“I felt tonight that we were still a step forward and closer to victory”

Charleroi was led on his lawn, but Charleroi finally took a point against Antwerp (division 1-1). The Carolos would have deserved better in view of the physiognomy of the meeting, including this post at the end of the game.

We weren’t far. And that pole noise haunts our nights, but I think we did a full match. We dominated the first half. The game offered was enjoyable for everyone and we put Antwerp in difficulty. They had to change systems several times. It’s a bit the same story as against OHL last week where there was not much missing. But I felt tonight that we were one step further and closer to victory“, begins by explaining Edward Still at the microphone ofEleven Pro League.

And to add: “These are details in these top matches. The positive is that we controlled things and we managed our weak points relatively well. I’m really confident that these details will work in our favor, because it’s very easy to lose a game like this. We saw the goal they set. It is also necessary to respect the fact of not having lost and of having taken a point.

Another point of satisfaction for coach carolo is that his team has proven to be solid defensively: “It’s something we are proud of and which is the basis of all the football we want to offer. It’s not tactical solidity, it’s really the principles of the game that we repeat from the start. It’s the quality of the players too. Our defense also depends on the intensity and effort of our attackers just as the quality of the attack depends on the revival of our defenders and our goalkeeper. This is why we talk so much about collective, each one depends on the other. And the defensive work done by the forwards was top notch this Friday night.

With six points out of 12, Charleroi is off to a good start to the season. And while the transfer window is not yet closed, Charleroi could record one or the other arrival. “The dialogue is open with Mehdi and my role is to live the present moment with the core that we have and we are super happy with it, even if we are always open to strengthening ourselves and we always want to seek to do better. This is why there was a turnover with the nucleus and other arrivals are planned in the coming weeks with possibly someone in addition.“, concludes Edward Still.

The Zebras are still undefeated in this championship. With 6 points, the teamEdward Still provisionally retains 4th place. Antwerp is 8th with 4 units.


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