He is a finalistNext Level in LOBPN basketball

After a great series of semifinals against the Blazers, the Eagle Pass team becomes the first finalist of the 2021 season of local basketball.

Those of Ramiro Corpus became the first finalists of the LOBPN basketball league tournament by defeating the Blazers team in the best of three games series, which were among the outstanding teams in the season, however, Next Level showing their offensive power in the last game played on Monday night, having won the first game of the series by a slight advantage, they made the pass to the grand final thanks to the performances of Harish Garcia at the top of their scheme to break to the rival defense.

With a score of 2-0 in the aggregate of the semifinalist series, Next Level awaits the result between Rassini and Black Mambas, the dockers being top undefeated leaders in the tournament, we will see if these two meet again in the final round after a year without activity due to the pandemic, or if there will be a surprise with the Black Mambas team also representative of Eagle Pasa.


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