Forlì hits the sweep in Collecchio and grabs second place «

Collecchio Softball – Poderi Dal Nespoli
Gara1: 3-4 – Gara2: 0-1

Excellent recovery of the championship for the Poderi dal Nespoli, with the sweep on the Emilian formation of Collecchio 3-4 in race 1 and 0-1 in race 2, it consolidates the third position in the standings and access to the post season which only lacks mathematical certainty.
Game 1: Forlì builds the advantage in the first two innings. The first point is from Cerioni, valid for her, who on a solid basis runs home on a crazy pitch for the 1-0 Romagna. I extend to the second inning with 3 points scored by the Forlì. Maroni opens the second half with a hit, followed on base by Vigna for baseball and then Cerioni hit, with full bases and zero out Cacciamani beats a bouncy and is out but allows Maroni to score point number two, with second and third occupied Rich in the box beats a single that is worth the points of Vigna and Cerioni for the 0-4 in favor of Poderi dal Nespoli.

The reaction of the host in the 4th inning that leads to 1-4, but it is on the sixth round that Collecchio is decidedly under the American Grimm del Collecchio with a triple brings home the point of Chiesa, based on valid, 2-4 the partial, a great play of the Laghi shortstop that picks up Bernardi’s joke and eliminates the American Grimm at home, removes a point from the attack, but Collecchio continues to push and Gerbella’s single pushes home the point of 3-4. So we go to the seventh and last inning, the Romagna put the first two runners on base but are unable to bring them to the point thanks also to a double defensive game from Emilia. So we move on to the last attack of Collecchio opens with a valid of Colonna Martina pushed forward by the damping of his sister Alessia, follows Lori who beats on the pitcher for the second out but brings the runner on the pillow of third, it will then Cacciamani to close the ‘meeting with a strike out on Bassi, setting the score at 3-4 for the Romagna.

Race 2: The two foreigners face off on the platform, the American Paulson for Collecchio and the Dutch Elizabeth for Poderi dal Nespoli. The game is all condensed in the first inning. The Forlivesi start on the right foot, Vigna files a baseball to the American pitcher, as per the manual, followed by Cerioni’s dampened sacrifice for the advancement in second and single by Cacciamani for the race at Vigna’s home 0-1 the partial that then will remain until the end of the match. On the platform for Forlì the Dutch Elizabeth controls the opposing clubs with diamond jokes with an easy defense, a defense that is not on the same day and in the end will be complicit in 5 errors which fortunately do not affect the race if not the number. of batters faced by the pitcher from Forlì. On the platform the two pitchers do not concede anything, in the end there will be two valid ones granted by the Collecchio pitcher, while Elizabeth will close the first of the season for the Dutchman with a No-Hits.

With these two victories, Poderi dal Nespoli consolidates the third position in the standings and in the light of today’s results between Pianoro and Sestese, matches ended in a draw, race one won by the Tuscans while race two for the Bolognese, the Forlivians grab the second position in condominium with the Bolognese and it will be the Bolognese team in the next round of the championship anticipated to next Thursday 12 August to visit the Buscherini diamond at the Poderi dal Nespoli team, a meeting that could be decisive for defining the top positions in the standings.


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