Florentino Pérez would have influenced not to renew Messi at Barcelona – International Football – Sports

The output of Lionel Messi Barcelona, ​​after not being able to renew its link with the club, generated an earthquake in the structure of Barcelona and put the club president in its sights, Joan Laporta, that it had had that factor as an electoral flag.

One of the alternatives that Barcelona managed was to receive the help of the League through the CVC investment fund, which last week offered to inject almost 2,700 million euros in exchange for receiving 11 percent of the total benefits in the next 50 years.

(Also read: Messi would arrive in Paris in the next 72 hours)

The idea was that, with this money, the League would make loans to the clubs for 40 years and without interest, according to the weight of each club in the distribution of television rights. There, Barcelona would have had the possibility of receiving the resources to renew Messi.

The problem with that plan is that one of the main opponents of that plan is Florentino Pérez, president of Real Madrid, who, first, considers that CVC offers very little money, and second, that this plan would go against his intentions to create a European Super League, in which Barcelona is also present.

(Also: Messi makes himself wait, while the expectation grows in Paris)

Thus, according to press reports, Pérez would have convinced Laporta not to accept CVC’s indirect help through the League. And that stopped any possibility of renewal.

Barcelona tries to launch one last lifeline to retain Messi. But everything indicates that the farewell is final.




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