Finger in the eye and kick in the crotch. Muradov fell in the UFC, facing unauthorized strikes

Machmud Muradov’s long invincibility in Las Vegas is over. The Uzbek wrestler living in the Czech Republic in the UFC fell for the first time, in the second round of the dramatic duel he was “strangled” by the American Gerald Meerschaert.

Muradov joined the UFC on ESPN 30 as the fighter he last lost in 2016. He won fourteen games in a row, winning the most famous league in all three previous clans.

But this time he came across. Although he seemed more active and the commentators melted over his agility, in the second round he could not resist the submission of an experienced American and he preferred to knock out the duel.

“No excuses, the opponent was better and won. Thank you all very much for your support. I will come back stronger,” Muradov wrote after the defeat on social networks.

The match was interrupted twice in the first round due to an unauthorized strike by Meerschaert. At first, he unintentionally hit Muradov in the eye with his finger during the defense, later kicking him in the crotch.

“He moved very well, he’s extremely hard, but it was a fun match. The fans definitely enjoyed it, we hit a few times. I couldn’t knock him out safe enough, so I pressed the red button and took him to the ground,” commented the American conclusion. match in which he received his nickname “the throttle of Wisconsin”.

He won the twenty-fifth duel in his career at the submission.



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