“Fan escape” at Barca: Club loses 40 million euros – football

The financially troubled FC Barcelona lost another 40 million euros because fans returned their season tickets at Camp Nou.

With the start of the new La Liga season, fans in Spain can return to the stadiums. But thousands of Barcelona fans do not make use of it, at least reports “Catalunya Radio”.

According to this, 26,236 members of the Catalans are said to have returned their subscription. The members had until August 1st to apply to the club to pause their season ticket subscription for the current season. Thousands of fans did this. According to the report, the reason is that many supporters of the Catalans can simply no longer afford the season ticket.

Barca are missing out on € 40m

For the financially troubled club, however, the “fan flight” means losses in the millions. So the “Blaugrana” should take 40 million euros less. Against the background of the enormous mountain of debt amounting to 1.35 billion euros, the next setback.

Barca currently have a good 57,000 season ticket holders. All of them are not allowed to go to Camp Nou anyway due to the corona restrictions. At the start of the season, 20,000 fans were allowed.

However, the “fan escape” has nothing to do with the departure of superstar and club icon Lionel Messi. The deadline was five days before the 34-year-old’s departure was officially announced.

Nav-Account redTime20.08.2021, 21:36| Akt: 20.08.2021, 21:36



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