“Even if I was going to play tennis”

A Jose Luis Moreno the attack by some Kosovar Albanian assailants on his mansion in Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) made him fear for his life. As the journalist highlights Juan Luis Galiacho placeholder imageSince then, José Luis Moreno always carried a loaded gun with him. “He was aware that the Kosovar Albanian thing was not a robbery and he feared for his life,” Galiacho maintains.

Moreno slept with a gun and according to the summary of Operation Titella, which resulted in Moreno’s arrest for fraud and money laundering, he had it loaded on the nightstand next to his bed. Galiacho points out that he always carried her with him in the house. “If he went to the pool he would take it and if he went anywhere he had it with him. Even if he went to play tennis he would take it with him,” he adds.

The summary of the police operation has released other details of the case such as the fact that José Luis Moreno did not open the door to the agents on the day he was arrested. Despite repeated calls by agents, Moreno remained in bed and were forced to jump over the wall of the producer’s home plot.

Likewise, the summary includes Moreno’s personal conversations in which he requested cash drowned by debts. On one occasion he gave a contact:

“I need money now. I am not there”, and after those words he received 18 million euros.

You can see the new details of the arrest of José Luis Moreno that the summary reveals in Public Mirror through Atresplayer.


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