Danna Paola has the keys to wear the perfect tennis shoes for short girls

If you love athleisure fashion, live in comfortable shoes or are fascinated by the style of Danna Paola, It is completely natural that you take her as a reference (as we do), since in essence her style includes these two premises, and she always reveals her tricks to look fashionable without losing an inch of height .

Currently, and for a few years now, the tennis They have become a fundamental part of our day to day, and we wear them in all kinds of outfits (from the most sporty to the most casual or elegant), and under this status of must it is essential to know which are the best models for the silhouette. petite. In this department, the singer and actress, Danna Paola, has covered the backs of all the girls who they measure less than 1.60, so we have decided to collect your tricks to use tennis without subtracting centimeters.

Next, we show you several looks full of inspiration, taking into consideration the mistakes to avoid when wearing tennis shoes, as well as the ideal models for petite girls, and how to put them into practice to achieve excellent results.

These are the ideal tennis shoes for the petite silhouette according to Danna Paola

For a while now, the interpreter of ‘Mía’ It became the image of Puma, and it is quite frequent to see it, according to the occasion and its look, wearing models of the brand. However, we notice a common thread between all those styles that she wears and that is that they are perfect for short girls. We will explain why.

When it comes to finding those tennis great, there are three basic tricks that, as you will see, Danna Paola Put into practice. The first is that they be low cut or low-top, that is, they do not cover your ankles; two, following the previous idea, that its design is not a very bulky one in this area of ​​the joint and; third, what do you add a little more height.

Danna Paola.

© Courtesy Instagram @Dannapaola.

In relation to this last point there are two more variants, resorting to the classics platform shoes, very fashionable these seasons, or opt for the tennis in which those extra centimeters are organically included in the design of the footwear, and that in turn is not so evident that complement in the elevation.

In either case, and how you do it the ‘Elite’ actress, in addition to betting on this type of tennis, everything will also depend on how you use and combine them. The main thing will be, as we always point out, to opt for pants or jeans in which the hem ends above the ankles or, directly, to wear capri pants.

On the other hand, and although visible socks are still very much in vogue, women of petite physiognomy They should use them with caution so that they do not go loudly from being a fashion accessory to a stain on your outfit. The best option will be to opt for short socks like the ones you use Danna Paola, or bet on models in thinner, transparent fabrics and in lighter tones, so that they do not subtract centimeters in height.

Another fundamental trick is to lean towards tennis shoes in light colors or neutrals, such as white or cream, although this, of course, with the correct styling, does not prevent you from wearing shoes in more striking colors or in color blocking. However, white shoes, putting the focus on tennis Tight at the ankle, without laces and with a certain platform, they tend to lengthen your legs. These details help you create a perfect, uncut line, which is the ultimate goal when looking to see yourself more. tall and slender, without ever having to give up the comfort of your tennis.


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