Colombia National Team Qualifying Millionaires player Gerardo Bedoya | Colombia selection

Millionaires and the Colombian National Team have been reluctant in recent years, few are the ambassador’s players who were called in the last 20 years, counted on the fingers of the hand. It’s hard to believe, taking into account what the Bogota cast represents for the country, due to its importance at the local and international level.

From Willington Ortiz, Óscar Cortés, Rubén Darío Hernández, Arnoldo Iguarán, Carlos Esterada, among others, are those remembered in the tricolor, who were in Millonarios when they were called. The ambassadors’ hope is to see Andrés Román add minutes in one of the next three Conmebol Qualifying matches.

And it is that within what it is presumed will raise Rueda, the Bogotaan would have a place, not within the fixed, but if to add minutes. La Paz is pointed out as the right place, the full back knows that it is to play at the height and he has done it at Hernando Siles.

From how strange it has become to see a blue player in the National Team, it is not remembered who was the last to wear the tricolor shirt, add minutes and do it for the Qualifiers. We must go back on the road to South Africa 2010, where those led by Eduardo Lara, at that time, were visiting Brazil, a duel remembered for the zero draw at Maracana.

Gerardo Bedoya, who had several cycles for the tricolor, was a first baseman in that game, taking advantage of the great moment he had with Millonarios, where he was captain. In addition, he was present in the defeat against Venezuela, which was the only one in Lara’s cycle, but it had a direct impact on the search for qualification for the world championship,



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