Changhong Meiling joins hands with Guoyu to jointly propose to unlock new benefits for “new domestic products” | Changhong|Meiling|Chinese products_Sina Technology

Original title: Changhong Meiling and Guoyu jointly propose to unlock the new position of “new domestic products” welfare

Wild consumption buys Hongxing Erke, Olympic athletes have become the top class, and Chinese power ignites this summer. Then when domestic brands and Olympic athletes join hands, what kind of dazzling sparks will collide? On the morning of August 26, the Chinese badminton team joined hands with Changhong Meiling. The official Weibo released a joint initiative, patriotic feathers, patriotic products, like “Made in China”, and support “new domestic products”! One is the representative brand of China’s smart manufacturing that has created nearly ten industry championships in the home appliance industry, and the other is the athletes who won two golds and four silvers in the Olympics this summer. The champions will meet and work together to bring home appliances “new domestic products” to millions of users. .

Invest in tens of millions of subsidies, love the new domestic products and benefit your own people

Changhong Meiling Internal Purchasing Club will bring many flagship products to users across the country in September every year. This has become a welfare event for Changhong’s internal employees and an annual “in-app purchase carnival” for users. It is a marketing activity for China’s home appliance industry. Benchmarking and beautiful business cards. Entering its 11th year this year, Changhong Meiling responded to the country’s call for promoting market consumption and stable economic growth. From September 3rd to 5th, it invested tens of millions of subsidies with the theme of “Love the new domestic products and benefit our people”. Users create a “new domestic product” welfare feast.

In this in-app purchase meeting, Changhong Meiling’s new domestic products of hard core quality have appeared one after another. Changhong’s “Ultra-thin 8K New Species” Q8K TV integrates music, games, video, security and other functions, and its performance is comprehensively improved; the second-generation new product refrigerator of the heritage-grade fresh-keeping Meiling M, the first zero-impact micro-freezing technology, brings users The three major advantages of fresh meat preservation for 33 days, zero loss of nutrition, and no waiting for cutting meat; the healthy and comfortable upgrades of air-conditioning products, Q6G fresh air cabinets and Q6C dust-free air conditioners, create a high-quality home environment for users; and Meiling, the world’s thinnest 10-kilogram drum washing machine, is “very thin.” Each of these Changhong Meiling star products has outstanding performance and good looks, plus multiple benefits such as “50% off on hot models, additional gifts for old users, and a free Meiling automatic washing machine or a tidal TV with a purchase of over 10,000 yuan”. Let users enjoy a different consumption experience.

Keeping track of new market trends and targeting new needs of users, in addition to excellent product quality and strong discounts, Changhong Meiling, the in-purchase conference this year, has also made innovations in user experience and other aspects. It is reported that this in-app purchase will add four supplementary models on the basis of the previous four major explosions, forming “four major categories and eight major explosions” to fully meet the differentiated needs of consumers. In addition, the hot-selling products changed the previous online pre-sales model. The three main venues of Mianyang Changhong Headquarters, Hefei Meiling Headquarters, and Chengdu Changhong Technology Building have created a concentrated display area for hot-selling models, allowing consumers to experience and place orders on-site. .

The champions join hands to promote the popularization of “new domestic products”

Changhong Meiling and the Chinese Badminton Team have joined hands to promote a wave of popularization of new domestic appliances. It is not only the deepening of the cooperation between the two parties, but also the integration and sublimation of the champion spirit.

With the rise of a series of national IPs, more and more young people are focusing on domestic brands. Taking pride in buying domestic products and using domestic products as a trend is accepted and respected by young users as a cultural attitude and way of life. A report shows that in the ten years from 2009 to 2019, the attention of Chinese brands increased from 38% to 70%. As a national home appliance brand with 63 years of accumulation, Changhong has created a strong matrix product lineup of TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines through category innovation, product innovation and brand innovation with its super innovative power to enhance the brand connotation and satisfy the people. The need for a better life.

The Chinese badminton team’s recognition of Changhong Meiling’s new domestic products also contains a high degree of spiritual fit. In the Olympics, the fighting spirit displayed by the badminton players has become a true portrayal of the spirit of the Chinese nation’s unity and struggle; while Changhong Meiling is rooted in the manufacturing field for continuous innovation and breakthroughs, with hard core strength to create nearly ten industry champions, and become one of the national brands. Light, the two show the strength of China on their own different tracks, and they have countless fans.

Guoyu Changhong, the pride of China. The rise of new domestic home appliances represents the upgrading of Chinese manufacturing and Chinese brands, and its most fundamental strength comes from high-quality domestic products. It can be seen that, on the road to promote the consumption of new domestic products, Changhong Meiling and the Chinese badminton team have high-frequency interactions, forming resonance, allowing the new domestic products to radiate to more young people, and also bringing freshness to the brand. strength. I believe that in the future, Changhong Meiling will be able to rely on its core competitiveness to continuously convey the heritage of China’s national manufacturing industry and continue to interpret “China Pride”!






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