Brandon Knight to raise in Summer League | NBA

Brandon Knight is back! After a white 2020-2021 season, the rear will return to the parquet floors of Las Vegas. At 29 years old, rare are those who decide to return to the field at the beginning of August in competitions intended mainly for drafted players, and young players who have left for Europe or Asia.

Except that the career of the former number 8 of Draft in 2011 is at a standstill. No game played this year (despite some training with the Bucks last March) and only 64 appearances (7 points average) in the two previous seasons.

A bad patch started 4 years ago when he tore a ligament in his left knee. Before this, the player had asserted himself as a good NBA scorer (15 points on average during his first six seasons).

“A blessing” according to Knight

For 3 years, the leader struggles to even find his place in the NBA so when the Nets decided to offer him a chance in the Summer League, the Floridian by birth did not wait long before accepting. “It’s a godsend. “ exclaims the player to New York Post. “Sean (Marks), thank you for the opportunity and the chance to show me off and represent the Nets. “

And according to Jordan Ott, who will coach the Nets in this Summer League, Knight’s envy will benefit the group. “For the short time I spent with him he was great. He’s a great person besides being a great player. It brings us a certain freshness which is beneficial for our group of young players. “

Constantly hampered by knee worries, Knight wants to prove that all of his physical worries are behind him. “All that is said about my knees is that they are not in good condition but that is not true. “ assures the interested party. “I want to show that I’m still here healthy and ready to play. I am here to help young people. The summer leagues are not for me. My goal is to serve these young people, to bring them my wisdom and to help them. “

At the gates of the thirties with a physical condition that questions, this chance could be one of the last. “I’m ready to play. Like I said, I want to change this image about my knee because I know I can still play. “


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