Big Naija, 20 years old and 2m36, destroys everything in its path to panic the web!

The name Big Naija might not ring a bell, but he’s the greatest basketball player on the planet right now… literally! With his 2m36 he terrorizes his opponents, and his higlights have made a monumental buzz on social networks!

Size is always an advantage on a basketball court when it is well mastered. It is enough to see the damage done by Victor Wembanyama this summer during the U19 world championships to understand it. From the height of his 2m20, he quite simply reigned as boss on the rackets, in beating in the process an absolutely incredible record at FIBA ​​level, all age categories combined! And if the Frenchman is very impressive, he is not the only unusual physical specimen at present.

In the MPAC Elite Youth League from Dubai, a young man by the name of Abiodun Adegok, or “Big Naija”, is widely talked about. He measures almost 2m40, and on the ground, he is simply unstoppable! Its highlights have just been released on social networks, and the only word that comes to mind in front of these images is “absurd” …

Big Naija isn’t necessarily the most talented or the most comfortable with the ball in his hands, but he’s incredibly dominant in the paint by just taking rebounds and smashing the circle without even jumping! He will undoubtedly never arrive across the Atlantic to pursue a professional career there, but at his level, what he achieves is already quite impressive.

Faced with these viral images, Internet users have not remained indifferent! As often they have shown a lot of humor, and in this period when the notes of the next NBA 2K create controversy, some had fun giving Big Naija ratings that should be unanimous.

Stopped dunk rating: 99

Speed ​​Rating: 25

Big Naija is a force of nature who brings terror to his championship by posterizing all the defenders without even jumping! We hardly dare to imagine what they feel in front of such a monster …


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