Basketball: Bayern Munich wins, Ratiopharm Ulm protests

The basketball players of FC Bayern Munich have reached the cup final for the first time since 2018 and can hope for their third title – at least if Ratiopharm Ulm with the protest against the game rating is unsuccessful. The guests lost 102: 104 (91:91, 84:84, 36:49) in Munich after two overtimes, but have officially filed a complaint against the game standings. This was confirmed by coach Jaka Lakovič at the press conference after the game. According to Ulm, Bayern’s Wade Baldwin was briefly on the field even after his fifth foul.

“The situation was that there was a player on the field with five fouls. The referees failed. I don’t know if there is a sanction. In all honesty, I don’t expect a sanction. But let’s be surprised, ”said Lakovič. Ulm’s player Andreas Obst became clearer after the end of the game: “Baldwin was still playing with five fouls, that’s it, it’s over.”

Late in the evening, Bayern tweeted that the Ulm protest had been rejected by BBL. Accordingly, Bayern met Alba Berlin in the final on Sunday from 3 p.m. An official statement from the league was initially not available.

Hoeneß and Hainer in the hall

In front of Honorary President Uli Hoeneß and President Herbert Hainer, the Munich team had a 13-point lead in the first half of the game, which they first gave up, but then prevailed after double extra time. The Munich team’s best thrower was Vladimir Lučić (24 points), while playmaker Troy Caupain was also the most successful for Ulm with 24 points. A week earlier, Bayern had suffered a significant defeat in the Bundesliga against Ulm (64:98).

The final is to take place on Sunday (3 p.m., stream: Magenta). Alba Berlin and BG Göttingen determine the opponent on Saturday evening. Actually, the tournament should have taken place four weeks ago, but was then postponed at short notice due to two corona cases near Göttingen.


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