Basketball: Another 200 million contract for NBA star Curry

For the second time in his career, basketball star Stephen Curry of ex-NBA champions Golden State Warriors has signed a highly lucrative contract worth more than 200 million dollars.

His agent Jeff Austin confirmed that Curry has reached an early, four-year contract extension with the Californian club, which will bring him a total of 215 million dollars (181 million euros). His previous five-year contract, which expires next year, brings the 33-year-old $ 201 million.

Although the Warriors were eliminated in the pre-playoffs last season, Curry, who was twice named the most valuable player in the league, showed strong performances. After surviving a fracture in his left hand, which had additionally slowed him down in the shortened Corona season 2019/2020, he scored an average of 32 points per game and hit 42 percent of his three-point throws.

Anthony to the Lakers

NBA veteran Carmelo Anthony will join the Los Angeles Lakers for his friend LeBron James. The 37-year-old posted a short video on social media showing his nickname “Melo” and the Lakers logo. The three-time Olympic champion played for the Portland Trail Blazers last season. As with curry, there is no official confirmation yet. The clubs are only allowed to announce contracts with so-called free agents, who are free to negotiate, from this Friday.

National player Dennis Schröder, whose contract with the Lakers had expired, is also fighting for another engagement in Los Angeles. League star Russell Westbrook will reportedly also move there. The 17-time champions were eliminated in the first playoff round last season.

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