Baseball-“the best ball in the world” receives mud bath and glove treatment

Yokohama, Japan, July 30 ( are from Sri Lanka and benefited from 30 seconds of friction in the mud in the United States. They received first-class service in Japan due to the pandemic and were called the best in the world by Olympian Joe Ryan He participated in the game of his life on Friday.

These are Olympic baseballs, 144 from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, every game before the 16 games are freshly unpacked.Manufactured in Sri Lanka by SSK, a Japanese sporting goods company, about 145 grams of white spheres with red laces and black ink logos have attracted people’s attention at the Olympics for several reasons

When the last baseball game was held in the 2008 Olympics, the ball came from its Japanese competitor Mizuno (8022.T), which still supplies softball, but lost the baseball contract.

In addition, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the young p stadium place placed a separate ball bag for each team during the game, and used white cloth gloves or transparent medical gloves for handling. They also enter and exit the court with separate rosin bags for each side. The rosin is a mixture of pine tar and chalk used to dry sweaty hands and slippery balls.

Most importantly, the Olympic ball is reminiscent of the alternative to defeating and deceiving the Rollins ball in the world’s top professional association Major League Baseball (MLB).

The league set up mid-game equipment inspections this year to catch pitcher substances that “know” baseball, such as Spider Tack brand products, by sneaking a ban on glue.

The pitcher claimed that the substance overcomes the inconsistency of design and slippery texture. A better grip increases the movement of the ball, but MLB officials worry that all darts and dive throws and stupid swings will make the game boring.

Joe Ryan, one of the most promising players of the Minnesota Twins to play for the US Olympic team, said on Friday that the SSK version was “the best ball in the world” and urged the United States to accept “amazing” and “perfect”. “The creation.

After completing only five hits in six innings, the 25-year-old has earned credibility.

“Batterers like it, I like to pitch with it. All pitchers like to pitch with it,” a-he declared. “This will solve many of the current foreign body problems. I can’t say too much: this is the best baseball I have ever encountered.”

Putty has received some praise. Before Ryan’s debut, watched three masked referees stick their fingers into the water and film the Lena Blackburne Rubbing Mud, which was harvested by a small business in a secret location along the Delaware River in New Jersey . .

The team then patched the ball with the mixture as if they had formed a pizza dough ball. It eliminates the smooth luster of fresh produce.

“This way the pitcher can catch it, and when they throw it away, it won’t slip out of their hands,” said Gustavo Rodriguez, director of baseball refereeing to the World Baseball and Softball Federation.

In the first three days of qualifying and the Olympics, cheating and complaints were rare, he said.

Major League Baseball requires the same mud, but it feels better. When applied to SSK bullets, please tell me who has used both.

“If SSK wants to send me more, I will give them an address,” Ryan said.

Sri Lanka has never produced an MLB player, but has celebrated her role in the Olympics on government social media. After that, the ball will go to schools and clubs in Japan. The players also got souvenirs.

The Israeli Danny Valencia who hit Ryan said he got the ball he hit.

“In order to be able to show those little trophies to your children, to show them to my son, it was a great feeling,” he said.

Paresh Dave report edited by Christian Radnedge

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