Avilés recovers the XX International Judo Tournament for October

Participants in the competition, in 2019
Mara Villamuza

The “Villa de Avilés” International Judo Tournament returns to the city, which will complete its twentieth edition after last year’s break due to the pandemic. This event, one of the most anticipated by commerce, the hotel industry and the hotel industry in Avilés as it is one of the most massive that is held, will take place from October 29 to 31.

The Technical Director of the tournament, Carlos Fernández, acknowledges that: “It will not be far from an easy challenge, in fact it is not. Fighting with the current situation of uncertainty makes everything much more complicated, the continuous changes in regulations on the organization of large sporting events affect us fully in terms of capacity and procedures to be fulfilled by participating athletes, but our firm intention to return To organize our Villa has to be above difficulties and that is why we have to be more of a team than ever, we have to show that what we have heard so many times from that great organizing team are not mere words and that there is no virus that can resist us . Undoubtedly a challenge at the level of our ‘Villa’ and of all the people who have contributed in the previous 20 years of existence to place us at the top of sporting events “.

He adds: “For us it is undoubtedly an illusion to be able to return in a moment as delicate as this what Avilés, with its trade, restaurants and hospitality at the head, have given us in these 20 years of existence, we know that the city needs within the security required for the activity to return, we are susceptible to the fact that we are on the way to 18 months of restrictions and cancellations and the economy is suffering, we will try to do our bit ”. “The fact that the festival coincides with the bridge on Monday makes it undoubtedly a good claim for visitors,” he says.

Two long months after the celebration of the event, it is difficult to specify exactly what “the Villa” will be like, according to the organizers. “Everything indicates that due to the particularities of its volume, we will have to go to a smaller version in terms of participants and even in terms of the audience, but it will undoubtedly be a step forward to return. From the Spanish federation Judo team bet from the initial moment of the pandemic for maximum safety in the practice of their sport and they have managed to maintain it through their clubs with the greatest of security. In all the competitions held, the athletes have passed pcr in their city of origin and in the destination cities, establishing bubbles in the hotels to preserve the safety of the judo family. Thus, it has been possible to maintain the activity at critical moments of this last year “, they specify.

“The structure of the tournament thus presents, at this point, more uncertainty than ever but without a doubt we will give priority to the base and with it the philosophy with which the event was born, the categories will be from sub-11 to sub-21 both male and female being once again part of the Spanish Cups Circuit with the mind set on the Madrid nationals for the December weekend. We will once again be the only city in Spain that will host two Cups with the highest rating. This classification has been achieved Thanks to the efforts of the entire club during previous years and we can say without fear of being wrong that we all organize the best Cup in our country “, they underline in a statement.

“The organization of the Villa will wait until the first week of September to close the pending fringes with health and the principality and then transfer the particular details to the commission together with the rest of the cups in Spain and federations and together unify organizational criteria. The support of the Asturian judo federation with its president José Ramón Díaz Maseda at the head is fundamental at this time “, they conclude.



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