“As a child they called me ‘Coldeportes’ because I tried in various disciplines”: Luis Javier Mosquera, Olympic medalist

The Olympic Games ended this Sunday and the Colombian medalists continue to receive all kinds of tributes and recognition for their great performance at Tokyo 2020.

One of the proudest these days is the Valle del Cauca weightlifter Luis Javier Mosquera who continues to evoke his historic presentation that led him to win the silver medal in Olympic weightlifting.

Luis Javier became a double Olympic medalist, after winning the bronze in Rio 2016 and from the privacy of his home in Yumbo, he spoke with La Tocata about how these days have been in Colombian territory and what lies ahead in his sporting future.

“I am calm, enjoying and enjoying myself a lot with my family. The municipality of Yumbo received me as a hero, grateful to God for giving him this beautiful opportunity. We have worked very hard, there have been many years of discipline, sacrifice, perseverance and let’s hope that with the passage of time the results of that medal can be achieved, “Mosquera commented in a conversation with El País.

At 26, Luis Javier competed in the 67 kilogram category, where he was able to climb to second place on the podium to claim the silver medal and bring great joy to Colombia.

“They were five very long years, with very hard injuries to the knees, three surgeries that made me think that I was going to retire. A pandemic was crossed, added to the problem of our federation due to the sanction, even with 15 days to start the Olympics We did not know if we would be in Tokyo. Then the quotas were reduced to only three, in truth they were difficult days, but fortunately the objective was achieved, “said the Yumbeño athlete.

Mosquera was a member of the small Colombian weight team together with Mercedes Pérez and Santiago Rodallegas, who achieved an Olympic diploma in Tokyo.

Luis Javier confessed in La Tocata that when he started in sports other disciplines such as football appeared. “I thought I was the forward myself,” said the athlete amid laughter and also commented that “I experienced luck in skating, boxing, judo, wrestling and athletics, but I stayed in weightlifting. They called me ‘Coldeportes’ because try various disciplines (laughs …) “. From the age of 14 he devoted himself seriously to competing in the weights and two years later he won his first world title.

The silver medalist in Tokyo also commented that he is a faithful follower of Deportivo Cali and gave his point of view on the hiring of Teófilo Gutiérrez as a new sugar reinforcement.

“I am a Cali fan, I went to the stadium, I was paid, but training no longer gives me time to accompany the team. Hopefully ‘Teo’ will score many goals, we need him many,” said Mosquera, who admires Álvaro ‘Caracho’ Domínguez, as one of the best footballers he has seen with the Verdiblanca jacket.

The Olympic jousts in Paris will be in three years and that is why Luis Javier has already set himself the challenge of going for the gold medal and being next to Mariana Pajón the only Colombian athletes to hang three medals in the Olympic Games.

“That is the great dream I have for Paris 2024. I am excited to represent my country again, the desire is to have those three medals here in my house, I hope God allows me to be gold, it is a difficult challenge, but not impossible”, added.

After a period of rest, Luis Javier Mosquera will start his activities again. His first tournament will be the National Weightlifting Championship to be held in two weeks in the department of Tolima. Then it will have the Senior World Cup in Lima, to be held in November and later a new Olympic cycle will begin that will mark the way to Paris 2024.



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