Ang. : MU hooked, Tottenham continues

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Large winner of Leeds (5-1) for its entry into the running in the Premier League, Manchester United was slowed down by Southampton (1-1), this Sunday, during the second day. Led after a goal from Fred against his side (30th), following a loss of ball from Fernandes, the Red Devils returned to the game thanks to Greenwood (55th), who benefited from a lot of work from Pogba, decisive passer for the 5th time this season.

For its part, Tottenham, defender of Manchester City (1-0), last week, followed with a new success on the lawn of Wolverhampton (0-1). It was Alli from the penalty spot (9th) who offered the three points to Spurs, back up to Liverpool and Brighton at the top of the standings. Note the entry into play of Kane instead of Son at the entrance of the last quarter of an hour.

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Read 5.338 times – by Youcef Touaitia on 08/22/2021 at 4:57 p.m.


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