A basketball player from France won a medal while she was 16 weeks pregnant

For some time now, motherhood and sports ceased to be separate paths. There are plenty of examples of athletes who have been mothers and who have competed or have continued training. In fact, there are more and more arguments in favor of training during the gestation period and multiple benefits of it are known. Although some cases of super professionalism still surprise.

The most recent one does it because precisely the protagonist decided to keep it a secret during the competition: it is about the French Valériane Vukosavljevi, who revealed that he competed in the last Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and in the Eurobasket (days before) being 16 weeks pregnant. No one except a few people knew about it. Not even her teammates.

“I told the national team doctor and the coach, Valerie Garnier. I wanted someone on the medical staff to know because you never know what can happen“She explained to convey tranquility because she was well supervised, in addition to having the permission of her private gynecologist. And she also argued why she did not tell the rest of her colleagues or make it public.

“I wanted to play without having to deal with the reactions of other players, the media and others. I had the agreement of the Federation doctor, the medical agreement of my gynecologist, and that was the main thing. The coach told me that if everything was medically fine, she was counting on me, “said Valériane, who was also concerned about competitiveness.

I was afraid that my rivals would act differently with me in the field, on the pretext that she was pregnant. I would not have found it very fair. As for the media, he just didn’t want to have to answer questions other than basketball. I didn’t want (the pregnancy) to become an ‘event’ within the event, “added the Bordeaux player from her country.

Of course, he was able to keep it a secret because he had the “help” of the exceptional circumstance caused by the pandemic.

“Due to the Covid, we did not usually shower as a team. We would go back to the hotel and I would shower alone in my bathroom. I tried to hide it as best I could … with varying degrees of success,” she commented, laughing. team, but I always managed to get away with making excuses that were maintained, “he said in the interview with France Info in which he whitewashed the situation.

The final result, moreover, was almost unbeatable: in the Eurobasket it was silver medal and in Tokyo 2020 Valériane, the French and their baby! they hung the bronze medal.



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