Who insures the NBA star ?: Schröder wants to play for Germany in Tokyo

Who insures the NBA star?
Schröder wants to play for Germany in Tokyo

The German basketball players surprisingly qualify for the Olympics. The players celebrate the ticket to Japan exuberantly, and NBA star Schröder also cheers. Now he hopes his agent will do his job and find an insurer for him.

After their Olympic coup in Split, the German basketball players started their big Tokyo break in the catacombs of the Spaladium Arena. Captain Robin Benzing and his teammates hopped around and celebrated the qualification for the Olympic Games, which after turbulent weeks had hardly been thought possible. Right in the middle of the cabin: NBA star Dennis Schröder. The point guard, most recently under contract with the Los Angeles Lakers, was missing in Split because the insurance issue could not be clarified for him. Nevertheless, the 27-year-old had traveled to Croatia with his family to support the team from the stands. Schröder was a spectator in all four games and cheered on his teammates. In Tokyo, the leader of the German team would like to be back on the floor himself.

“If there is a possibility, then that would of course be great,” said Schröder after the 75:64 in the final of the qualifying tournament against Brazil, which cleared the way to Tokyo. “I’m always available, but my situation is not that easy. But I hope that we can clarify that by then. My agent has to do his job now. The German national team has done its job, let’s see,” said Schröder. “Hopefully it will work. If not, I’ll be there anyway and will support you again.”

Who insures Schröder?

Those responsible now have to clarify whether they can still find an insurance company that Schröder insures despite his role as a free agent with the prospect of a high-value contract. Before the trip to Split, the DBB had found a solution for a certain sum, which Schröder, however, was not enough in view of a prospective contract for around 100 million euros. However, under the impression of the emotional images of Split, Schröder began to brood again. The heart says yes to Tokyo, the mind no because of the risk of injury. It remains to be seen with excitement whether Schröder will be on the plane when the German basketball players around the 20th / 21st Fly to Japan in July.

The players who fought for the Tokyo ticket in Split did not want to dwell long on the subject in the hour of great success. “I think the twelve guys who were here deserved to fly to Tokyo,” said Captain Benzing simply. Which would not rule out that Schröder is also there. But first of all, the close team was about to celebrate the greatest triumph of their career.

Back at the hotel, the party continued right in the lobby. The players danced happily around the bar. A little more than a week they were locked in the pretty Hotel Amphora with a view of the sea because of the strict Corona rules, now they finally wanted to celebrate what they had achieved in the Adriatic. “We will definitely go into the sea, I can promise that,” said the completely relaxed Johannes Voigtmann. Benzing also predicted a big celebration. “I hope I survive this.”



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