WHO ‘Angry’ Euro 2020 Makes Corona Explode, This is the Fact

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The World Health Organization (WHO) said that the spectators of the 2020 European Cup (Euro) football match had made the number of Covid-19 transmissions rise significantly. Crowds in football stadiums and in pubs and bars in the host city are driving an increase in virus infections.

“There will be a new wave in the WHO Europe region unless we remain disciplined,” said Hans Kluge, director of the UN agency Europe, on Thursday (1/7/2021). AFP.

“I hope not . . . but this cannot be excluded.”

WHO questioned how spectators who came from many countries were allowed to flock to several stadiums that host matches without strict health protocols.

“We need to look at more than just the stadium… We need to see how people get there, do they travel in big crowded convoys of buses? And when they leave the stadium, do they go to crowded bars and pubs to watch competition?” WHO senior emergency officer, Catherine Smallwood, told reporters.

“It is these small, constant events that are driving the spread of the virus.”

Vaccination in Europe according to Our World in Data as of 30 June 2021 is 506,208,143 doses. This means that out of 100 people, an average of 67.61 people have received the vaccine.

This development makes the host countries (there are 11 countries) open the door for supporters to enter the stadium. Even Hungary has allowed the stadium to be filled at full capacity.

Then what are the facts regarding the relationship between the increase in the number of Covid-19 and this European Cup match? Here as summarized CNBC Indonesia.

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