Video: lightning strikes golf ball in mid-flight

Video: lightning strikes golf ball in mid-flight
Fortunately, no one was injured and the images have been saved for posterity. | Photo: Cuartoscuro – Archive

Lightning managed to hit a golf ball, after a young man took a shot at a club located in the city of San Antonio, Texas. The shocking moment was recorded on video and has begun to provoke all kinds of reactions on social networks.

The young man was playing in the facilities of a renowned golf courseat the same time there was a thunderstorm. In fact, the club announced the spectacular moment through its Instagram account.

Social media users have shared the video, same that you can see here, in

During the images you can see a group of young people enjoying a pleasant moment, at first you can see a young woman, then, she turns the camera on her mobile phone to capture her partner who was taking some shots.

At that moment you can see how the young man hits the golf ball and of Immediately a ray hits the sphere while it was in the air.

The video has surprised friends and strangers, since the lightning illuminated the whole place.

Fortunately, no one was injured and the images have been saved for posterity.

Who is the boy who hit the golf ball?

The young man who hit the golf ball goes by the name of Tomás Enrique Gómez.

“I was just happy that the lightning hit the ball and not me,” the 18-year-old confessed to the newspaper. Daily Mail.



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