To Tokyo: for the gold of dignity – Juventud Rebelde

“In each dignified performance, in each victory, in each medal, you will be offering a tribute, a recognition, a tribute to the Cuban people,” said this Saturday the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, to the Cuban delegation that will participate in the 32nd. Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

At the base of the monument to our National Hero José Martí, which distinguishes the historic Plaza de la Revolución, the symbolic flag ceremony took place, in which the Head of State placed our national ensign in the hands of the three-time Olympic champion of Greco-Roman wrestling. Mijaín López Núñez. In Spain, a Cuban flag was presented to the world champion of discus throwing Yaimé Pérez Téllez, as it is the first time that two athletes share that high pride.

“We will fight convinced of what it means to do it for Cuba,” said Olympic judo champion Idalys Ortiz Bocourt, reading the commitment of the delegation of the Greater Antilles, made up of 69 athletes. “We will do it with honor, combativeness and attachment to the values ​​that distinguish us,” he ratified.

At the meeting, the member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and head of its Ideological department, Rogelio Polanco Fuentes, highlighted the enormous challenges that the delegation has had to face, not only because of what it has meant to live with COVID-19 , but also because of the difficulties imposed by the unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States government.

In the end, President Díaz-Canel shared with the athletes his “tremendous desire to embrace them,” as has always been done when they flag the Cuban delegation. The limitations imposed by the pandemic, he emphasized, also require setting an example and complying with health regulations. From a distance they will feel the embrace, affection, respect and admiration of our people, the Head of State confided to them.

The first is dignity, the first is the morale of Cuban athletes. You can win, you can do it for Cuba, was the challenge that the president left you.

(More information about Tokyo and the Cuban delegation in the special supplement that JR publishes today about the Olympic event)



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