Three European Championship games in the Delta hotspot London

More and more infected fans. There are now three super spreader games looming.

In St. Petersburg, the Russians are already paying the price for full stadiums without mask and distance at the European Championship games held there. Hundreds of Finnish fans have already been infected with the Delta variant in St. Petersburg. Over 2,000 Scottish fans were infected in London.

Experts are sounding the alarm

The climax of the danger is still to come: next week, the two Habfinal games and the final at Wembley Stadium are in London. The far more contagious Delta variant already accounts for almost 100 percent of the cases there. Even in London – despite the sharp rise in the number of cases – the game will be played in front of 60,000 fans. Masks are not required. But antigen tests. However, in the delta variant, they only fish out 20 percent of the infectious.

Urs Karrer, Vice President of the Swiss Covid Task Force, sounds the alarm: The EM is ideal terrain for the virus. The uncontrolled EM euphoria could trigger an “Ischgl in a square”. After all, the holiday season really starts after the EURO.

Merkel tried to warn the British of the explosion

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel had tried to dissuade Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson from allowing over 60,000 fans. Otherwise the cases could explode. However, UEFA wants full auditoriums.


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