Thomas Chirault (Stade Clermontois), qualified for the Olympics: “We will try to go as far as possible”

On July 23, Thomas Chirault and his teammates from the French archery team will begin their Olympic Games. The Clermontois qualified for the individual and team events during the Olympic Qualifying Tournament (TQO). “It was a great relief because it was the last chance tournament,” explains Thomas Chirault. We had obtained the individual quota for France, all that was missing was the team quota. “

Lisa Barbelin, Audrey Adiceom and Thomas Chirault in bronze with the French teams at the World Cup in Charléty

“It all happened on Saturday, June 19,” says Picard. It was a very long day where we had to be present from morning until evening, until the last arrow. It was a long-term job. The reward at the end was great. “

“We are not going to deprive ourselves”

Performing at the Games is the ambition of the 23-year-old archer. “The objective at the Games will be to win a medal,” says the Stade Clermontois licensee. I think we have the potential to do that in teams. We are not going to deprive ourselves. We will try to go as far as possible. On an individual level, in an archery match anything can happen. It is enough to be present at the moment T for it to go very well. If there can be an individual medal, that would be great. “

Thomas Chirault and the Blues qualified for the Olympic Games

Internship from July 11 at Boulouris

French archers do not have time to breathe. “We came back three days ago of competition, testifies Thomas Chirault. It had been a month since we returned home. We are going for an internship on July 11 in Boulouris, in the south of France. We will be able to shoot in conditions that there will potentially be in Tokyo: more than 35 ° with 80% humidity. We will be able to train and prepare for this deadline together. July 17 will be the starting day for the Games. “

But at only 23 years old, Thomas Chirault sees even further. “In three years, it will be the Paris Games, recognizes the Clermontois. Of course, that’s a goal. The Tokyo Olympics will help prepare those who will take place at home in 2024. ”The archery event of the Olympics comes quickly. It will take place from July 23 to 31 at Yumenoshima Park, specially designed for the event.

Severine Bouquet

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