The wine cellar, which the daughter receives as a gift, resisted the tornado

Jan Matušek (78) no longer lives in Mikulčice, but it draws him to his native village all his life. After all, this is one of the reasons why he still kept a family wine cellar near the cemetery for years.

When he saw the first shots of the devastated cellar alley that opens just a few feet from his cellar, he thought of the worst. Upon arrival at the place, and especially after visiting the statics, he could rest. His cellar lasted.

We are hardworking

“It will be necessary to repair the trusses and part of the wall, but the cellar is worth it, and that is the most important thing. I myself stopped making wine two years ago, but we are going to donate the cellar to my daughter, so it will get nicely generalized, ”says a man who made a living as an electrician.

In Podluží, as he himself says, nothing worse has ever happened since year zero, ie since the birth of Christ.

“I can’t explain why something like this happened to us. I don’t think it should be God’s punishment. We are a hardworking people, we can enjoy life, we like to sing. And that will hopefully return to the house soon, “thought the pensioner, who, however, does not believe in the extra-fast renewal of the area.

“I hope that Prime Minister Babiš will keep all the promises he made, but I still think that it will take at least ten years for everything to return to normal here,” says Mr. Matušek.


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