The judo club is fighting its way back – Grenzach-Wyhlen

The club does not want to organize its own events for the time being / there is also a lack of coaches.

The corona pandemic has also left its mark on the judo club. At the general meeting on Thursday, chairwoman Barbara Gssler pointed out that Corona had changed a lot. Above all, the training suffered massively – but it’s currently running again.


Since no general meeting could take place in the previous year, Barbara Gssler also remembered the year 2019, when the judo club was working on the development of the child protection program. She described the implementation of the district team championships for the U 12 in the Hochrheinhalle as successful. She reminded of the difficult search for training opportunities at the beginning of 2020, when the hall in the Lindenschule was renovated. Then came the pandemic and everything changed. “The halls were closed and training was suspended with many other restrictions.” A short training option only emerged after the summer vacation until the second lockdown.

Elke Gnther pointed out some sporting successes for the youth department, as well as some actions, such as a work assignment in the biotope of the gravel pit.

The head of the Ju-Jutsu and Aikido departments, Andreas Zimmehl, reported a tense trainer situation due to the lack of an exercise instructor.
How it goes on in sports as well as within the club depends on the corona development. Training is currently under way in all areas, and athletes can also attend courses again, according to the chairwoman. The U-18 competitions are also to take place in September, although the club does not want to host its own competitions for the time being.

Choose: Chairwoman Barbara Gssler; second chairman Marc Hupfer; Cashier Erika Claen; Secretary Elke Gnther

Members: 135, including 70 active

Contact: Tel. 07624/4738


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