The French Football Federation makes the Health Pass compulsory

The practice of football will be subject to the rules of the health pass for next season.

The health pass will be compulsory to resume playing football in a club, the French Football Federation (FFF) announced on Saturday, which scheduled the start of national competitions among amateurs in August. For the regional and departmental championships, stopped last season in October in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the authority provides for a re-entry “during September».

«This expected recovery is made possible by the implementation of the health pass from the first training sessions and matches of the season.», Explained the FFF. “The health pass will be required to be able to play football and access the changing rooms and stands before each training session or each competitive match.“, She said, recalling that this measure also applies to other sports federations. The FFF has announced that the implementation of the health pass for young players, aged between 12 and 17, is scheduled for September 30. Children under 12 are exempt.

«We are aware that the health pass is an additional constraint for our licensees and our clubs. But this measure appears today as the safest solution to resume football while protecting our practitioners as well as possible. Their health is our priority», Declared the president of the FFF, Noël Le Graët, quoted in the press release.

Since July 21, the pass is mandatory in places of leisure and culture (cinemas, museums …) which bring together more than 50 people. It must be extended in August to coffee shops, fairs and exhibitions, planes, trains and long-distance coaches, as well as to medical establishments. This certificate – negative Covid test, vaccination certificate or recovery certificate – has been the subject for several weeks of demonstrations by people opposed to this device.



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