The brutal accident of Verstappen and Hamilton marks the British Grand Prix

Red flag at Silverstone for a brutal accident of Verstappen and Hamilton

Max Verstappen i Lewis Hamilton have starred in a creepy accident in the first round of the British Grand Prix which has forced to show red flag to FIA commissioners, who are currently studying the images to decide whether there are sanctions or whether it is considered a race incident. The Dutch rider, who has come out of the ‘pole’ and has maintained a fierce dust with the British in the first corners, has crashed at high speed into Silverstone’s Copse bend.

The impact against security barriers has been very violent, but fortunately Max got out of the car on his own foot, though limping, and has been transferred to the medical center of the circuit. Meanwhile, Hamilton has remained on track but reporting damage to your Mercedes. Their mechanics have had time to repair them since the race has been stopped.

“I was going in front and he locked me up.” Lewis Hamilton did not give credit and blamed Max for the accident, although the truth is that both have come a long way in the curve and the Dutchman has closed the English. Neither has yielded and Verstappen has been the worst off.



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