The arrow from the bow shoots at the new shooting range

On the area of ​​about 6,000 square meters of the former Marini sports field, the structure that after 10 years gives home to archery is inaugurated

PISTOIA — Who knows if he too, the mayor Alessandro Tomasi, will want to try his hand and maybe be the first to shoot the arrow in the new archery field almost ready for the inauguration next Sunday 11 June in via Marino Marini 8. Sta di the fact that the mayor will be present at the ceremony, as well as the representation of the city authorities, Coni and Fitarco.

It will be a special day, since after the official events in space there will be an Open Day, with instructors available for children and adults who want to carry out shooting tests. The new shooting range stands in place of the former Marini sports field, which the municipal administration gave in concession to the Arceri del Micco following a call in December 2019.

So also this sporting discipline, after more than 10 years of absence, is now located in Pistoia in an area of ​​about 6,000 square meters, now equipped for the safe practice of shooting even by novices.


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