The 17 best sports films – Marseille News


I was a growing indoor child. I didn’t even try to play sports. As an adult, I practically only watch sports during big events like the Olympics, March Madness, Super Bowl, World Series… you get it. I’m not the type of person who uses words like “sportball” to express my disinterest, but that’s not my thing, like 99% of the time! If it’s yours, more power for you? I But that doesn’t mean I’m not completely carried away by the epic ups and downs of a good sports movie. There is nothing quite like the combination of heightened Hollywood drama and physical competition.

Whether you’re an athlete yourself, a super fan of finger-wagging foam, or more of a respectfully detached enthusiast like myself, here are some sports flicks to put together when you need an adrenaline rush.

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1 “Me, Tonya”

The Tanya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan “incident” is one of the juiciest sports scandals in history, and we couldn’t have asked for a funnier movie about it. It’s not really inspiring, but whatever!


2 “She is the man”

Remember when there were a billion movies based on Shakespeare or Jane Austen, but set in high school? This one has a sporting angle AND a Channing Tatum. Do I have to say more?


3 ‘Roller’

If you want to jump into the old school, this trippy 70s movie about a futuristic dystopian sport is a wild ride. It’s like The Hunger Games has wheels.


4 ‘The bronze’

If you like me, Tonya, you’ll love this dark comedy that’s also about an Olympic hopeful. Sebastian Stan plays yet another cock.


5 “Field of dreams”

Lowkey, this movie scared me so much of choking hazards as a kid… but it’s a baseball movie classic, so we have to stand.


6 “A league apart”

Speaking of baseball classics… Don’t dare cry !!


7 ‘Angels in the outfield’

Alright, alright, alright… another baseball movie. Only the children of the 90s remember it.


8 “Bring it”

I am not going to discuss today whether or not cheerleading is a real sport. Try again!


9 “Remember the Titans”

Now, it’s an inspiring, almost embarrassing sports movie. You will sob. Your heart will grow three sizes. Lean over cheesy and pretend a substitute teacher just brought a TV into the classroom because it was ALWAYS that movie.


10 “Bend it like Beckham”

We all know Jess and Juliet should have ended up together, or at least in a group with Jonathan’s character Rhys Meyers, but that makes it a classic nonetheless.


11 “dreams of hoops”

If you only watch one sports documentary in your life, make it this one. Director Steve James has followed two high school basketball players for five years and it’s one of the best cinematic recordings of America’s economy, society, and education that we have.


12 ‘Handsome devil’

What happens when the only boy in boarding school, who doesn’t care about rugby, is forced to sleep with the team’s star player? Plus, they’re both gay, but not really in love with each other because it’s… realistic? Do they just become good buddies? This movie is really adorable, guys !!


13 “Love and basketball

Gina Prince-Bythewood’s directorial debut is a cult classic that deserves to be in your romantic rotation. Let the wine flow.


14 ‘Caddyshack’

Oh yeah… this wacky ’80s comedy is technically about golf.


15 ‘Ford c. Ferrari’

Don’t listen to anyone telling you this movie is just for dads. It’s far from boring and you might / might not become obsessed with endurance racing… I don’t promise anything.


16 “The mighty ducks”

Who needs the Disney + reboot when you have the original? (JK, the reboot is actually really cute.)


17 ‘rocky’

I knew I was forgetting one… just the most famous sports movie of all time, NBD. At the very least, it is the most famous sports montage. Make sure to pair it with Creed on your sports movie night.


Leah Marilla Thomas Leah Marilla Thomas is an entertainment writer, UNC alumnus, and former Hasbro toy tester (yes, that’s a real thing) who also enjoys The Good Place and Love Island.

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