Spain: the surprising anger of Pique after the penalties

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It’s over for Spain! La Roja was eliminated from Euro 2020 last night by Italy in an undecided match (1-1, 4 tab 2). Luis Enrique’s men still made it to the semi-finals. A great performance from the Spanish selection who can be proud of their career in the competition. But between pride and disappointment, the central defender Gerard Pique pushed a surprising anger on social networks about the penalty shootout.

“Huge selection tournament. We can be proud. There is a lot of merit in reaching the Euro semi-finals. I don’t think there is a better team in the competition, but shots on goal are sometimes very cruel. It is no coincidence that in the four series at Euro as in Copa America the team that shoots first has won. Statistics say the first one has more chances and in a tournament like this it doesn’t seem fair to me that a draw makes you start at a disadvantage, ”said the Spaniard.

Pique’s anger

Following the elimination of Spain from Euro 2020 at the end of the match against Italy (1-1, 4 tab 2), Gerard Piqué expressed his anger on social networks about shots on goal.


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