sold out at the Bakery Basketball Camp

The count down towards the first edition of the Bakery Basketball Camp has ended. From Sunday 11 July until Saturday 17 an army of 50 young basketball players between 11 and 17 years will be the protagonist in the facilities of the tourist resort of Fanano, in the green of the Modena Apennines, and in the Hotel Pineta, an excellent accommodation facility that will act as background to the event.
A real full immersion in the world of basketball, without forgetting entertainment and fun: these are the main ingredients of a Camp that sold out in a few days from the start of the registrations, with adhesions coming not only from Piacenza.

The organizational machine, which has been running for several months now, has also defined the last details: the staff led by Simone Zamboni, manager of the red and white youth sector, will be composed of young and qualified technicians: in addition to Roberto Spagnoli, co-organizer of the camp and team manager of the A2 series and Davide Giovanetti, head of the minibasket sector who collaborated in the organization of the Camp, there will also be Matteo Brambilla, assistant coach of the A2 Serie in Piacenza, Marco Belloni and Alex Monti, instructors of the Bakery youth sector that all days will be on the fields to follow the training sessions directly.

Not just threesomes, tacks and changes of hands. During the Bakery Basketball Camp the athletes will have the opportunity to have fun in the green of the Modena Apennines with play and training sessions alternating with relaxation in the fantastic swimming pool of the mountain resort. Basketball and individual improvement in the first place, without forgetting socialization. These are the elements that will characterize the first edition of the Bakery Basketball Camp, which does not want to act as a tool to become champions, but as an experience of play, sharing and personal growth.

A technical lesson in the morning and another in the afternoon. Then competitions and tournaments. The Bakery Basketball Camp is a total full immersion in the world of basketball, without neglecting moments of leisure, both in nature and in the pool. There are also numerous and tempting collateral activities: such as films and trips to the river to discover all the beauty of the Modena Apennines.

“We had wanted to set up our own Camp for some years now – explains Simone Zamboni, co-organizer and technical manager of the camp – finally we managed to do it and the numbers speak for themselves: in a few days, after the opening of registrations, in fact , all 50 available places have been sold out. The organization activity during the Covid period was not easy, but we will do our best to guarantee our athletes an experience to remember ».



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