Several teams interested in Jesús Aguilar’s crane

At this point in the season in the Major Leagues you can already have a clear picture of which teams will be in the playoffs, which ones can fight to get in, and which ones have nothing to look for.

In the bag of the last mentioned are the Miami Marlins, who could not even come close to what was the 2020 harvest and are already planning the near future of the organization.

Getting young talents in exchange for a couple of figures to help other aspiring novenas seems to be the plan for the next few days in the fish offices.

Jesús Aguilar is one of those renowned players who have been able to stand out in the City of the Sun and who look like pieces of change until Friday afternoon.

The “Cause” is currently the NL’s RBI department leader with 72 and fifth in all majors.

Within the Marlins, he leads the section of hits (88), is second in doubles (16) and home runs (17).

These numbers, added to his good defense at first base, makes a couple of teams that are in battle have asked about him, in both he has already played.

The Tampa Rays had a rapprochement, but after signing Nelson Cruz, the odds dropped.

On the other hand, there are the Milwaukee Brewers, leaders of the Center of the National and a group where Aguilar had his best offensive year, back in 2018. That could be an important point, returning to what he considers a kind of home.

Along with Aguilar, there are also Starling Marte and Adam Duvall as likely players to trade for prospects to help in the complete restructuring of the “Little Havana” franchise. It will dawn and we will see.


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